Dear Friends, 

As we wind down 2020, we at Kupona are reflecting on what a year it has been. This was a year dominated by the worldwide pandemic and its effects. Nevertheless, we have been able to do what we do best: provide quality healthcare to mothers, babies, and people living with disabilities in Tanzania. 

First, on behalf of CCBRT, we would like to thank you for your support which has ensured that we continue making an impact despite the ongoing pandemic. As we reflect and celebrate this holiday season, here are some of the things we want to look back at in 2020:

Change in Leadership

Earlier this year, Abbey Kocan stepped down as Executive Director of Kupona after almost seven years of service. She was replaced by Susana Oguntoye, who holds nearly two decades of experience in global health research and policy and joined us from Africare where she was the Director of Monitoring, Evaluation & Knowledge Learning. 

Kupona also welcomed three fellows. Through our partnership with Johnson and Johnson and Princeton in Africa, we hosted three fellows to help us with Resource Mobilization and Digital Communications. Jillian (who left us in August 2020), Michelle and Brian (who joined us then) have brought energy and expertise to our work, and we ask you to join us, thanking them and their sponsors for their invaluable support!

Continued Impact

Despite the challenges due to the pandemic, we have managed to continue providing essential services to the vulnerable communities that need them the most. CCBRT supports over 80,000 deliveries each year and anticipates this will grow with the opening of the new Maternity and Newborn Wing in the Spring of 2021. We understand that mothers and babies cannot wait, and have held the frontlines, providing high-quality and respectful maternity care to 60% of all mother-baby pairs across the Dar es Salaam region (with a population of 6 million+).

Additionally, CCBRT continues to champion disability rights,  changing the lives of children such as Sharon and Jennifer through corrective surgeries and treatment. 

Read about the impact you helped us achieve in Kupona and CCBRT’s 2019 Annual Reports.

Next Steps

With the opening of the new 200-bed Maternity and Newborn Wing in early 2021, CCBRT will provide services to more people than ever before. This will help us extend essential services across Tanzania, and you can support us here

Every gift you give changes lives. We aim to raise $30,000 by December 31and any amount you give will be matched dollar for dollar!

We have so far raised more than $15,000 and we are thankful for your support this year. You are the driving force behind this life-changing work, and we are so grateful. Donate today, and join us in transforming healthcare to unleash the potential of thousands of people in Tanzania.

Happy holidays to you and yours!
P.S.: You can also change lives while protecting yourself by purchasing a mask from us. The women recovering from obstetric fistula at The Mabinti Center now make 2-layered masks using beautiful fabrics to keep Tanzanians and CCBRT staff safe, in addition to hand-sewing bags, pillows, and other household items. The Kupona Team got a shipment of Mabinti masks, so please reach out to us if you are interested in purchasing any, or you know of anyone else who might want some.